A Day in the Garden: Flowers and Birds

This should have flowered earlier - its supposed to be a December Flower

This should have flowered earlier – its supposed to be a December Flower

Today was the first day this year that we’ve really spent some time working in the garden. Basically we started sweeping up leaves, trimming down plants and generally clearing up after the damage that the winter has done. I must admit I was surprised at the number of flowers that were showing their heads. Some were late shows (like this Christmas Rhododendron which is supposed to flower in December but this year has come much later.

Vinca - An unexpected pleasure

Vinca – An unexpected pleasure

Others were early, like this Vinca which I wouldn’t normally expect to see until March.

As we were Gathering up the leaves, the Robins were looking about to see if we had disturbed anything that they might find interesting but the best bird that we saw was the Bluetit. We’ve replaced one of our birdboxes with one that I was bought for Christmas and there was a bluetit having a good look around. I like bluetits, they are energetic little birds and, providing we keep them interested in the garden, will help to keep the bugs and beasts at bay.

The birdbox was replaced because last year, something (I think it was a woodpecker), took the young before they were able to fledge. So if you notice, I’ve put a metal protector around the entrance to the new box to see if it will protect them.

Blue Tit looking into the new birdbox - hopeful signs

Blue Tit looking into the new birdbox – hopeful signs

We’re also planning to put up (at least one) extra bird box in the garden to see if we can attract other birds. However, I think it will have to be another with a hole as an entrance (rather than an open fronted one) as there are lots of grey squirrels about which will probably take the young from an open fronted bird box.



About PelicanPlants

Growing tomatoes and other vegetables in a greenhouse and at an allotment.
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